Panamanian official: Right to establish relations with Beijing

Panama’s Foreign Minister Erika Mouynes recently visited Beijing and met with China’s State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi. See our recent China Environment article.

Panama cut ties with Taiwan and established diplomatic relations with Beijing five years ago, and was the first nation in Latin America to join China’s the Belt & Road Initiative. Since then, a number of Latin American and Caribbean countries have followed suit.

China’s CGTN anchor Wang Guan, recently interviewed Nicole Wong, who as a lawyer, and a specialist in diplomacy and foreign policy affairs, played a fundamental role in the establishment of diplomatic relations between the People’s Republic of China and the Republic of Panama. Nicole Wong is a former Director General of Foreign Policy at Panama’s Foreign Ministry, and prior to that she served as Head of Office of the then Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs. Nicole is a third generation Panamanian Chinese.

In the interview, Wang Guan talks to Nicole about growing strength of China-Panama relations and her diplomatic efforts behind the scenes.

Source: CGTN, 11 Apr 2022.