China’s Solar Mega Project 2024


China’s energy landscape has undergone a transformative decade, marked by significant advancements in wind, solar, and nuclear power.

A recent study highlights the clear scalability winners in China’s low-carbon energy generation, with wind and solar emerging as the dominant forces. The country’s natural experiment in deploying these renewable energy sources has shown their substantial growth and outperformance, particularly in comparison to nuclear energy.

The study underscores the substantial progress made in wind and solar energy deployments, with China’s solar capacity expected to reach 1,000GW by 2026, reflecting a record growth trajectory. The surge in solar power capacity and the acceleration of solar and wind installations are indicative of China’s commitment to expanding its renewable energy capacity.

The country’s ambitious plans to install 500GW of wind and solar by 2025 and 700GW by 2030 demonstrate its dedication to achieving its climate goals. China’s remarkable progress in renewable energy installations is poised to significantly surpass its clean power targets, positioning the country as a global leader in the renewable energy sector. The rapid expansion of wind and solar capacity underscores China’s commitment to accelerating its clean energy transition and achieving its ambitious climate objectives.

SourceJust Relaxx Man. Dec 28, 2023.