China wants a greener BRI

An interview with Erik Solheim, president of the BRI Green Development Institute, and former under-secretary-general of the United Nations and executive director of the United Nations Environment Programme

The Belt & Road Initiative has been a resounding success in less than a decade, opening maritime and continental trade routes connecting China to the rest of the world.

In this video GCGTN’s The Hub‘s host Wang Guan talks to Erik Solheim, president of the BRI Green Development Institute, and former under-secretary-general of the United Nations and executive director of the United Nations Environment Programme, to look at the latest measures to make the BRI greener and cleaner. Wang also discusses the China-Europe Railway Express and the impact of the Russia-Ukraine conflict on freight trains.

Background comments:

In March 2022, Chinese government bodies (the NDRC, FMPRC,MEE and MOFCOM) jointly issued the Opinions on Promoting the Green development of the Belt and Road Initiative .The opinions issued that the Belt and Road Initiative, ecological environment and climate change international exchanges and cooperation will be deepened by 2025. The concept of green silk road will be recognized by all parties. The practical cooperation in green infrastructure, green energy, green transportation, green finance and other fields will be promoted steadily. The green demonstration project will play a more significant role in guiding the project, and the ability to prevent environmental risks in overseas projects will be significantly improved. The green development of one belt, one road has achieved remarkable results.

The opinion proposes to strengthen green energy cooperation. We will deepen cooperation in green and clean energy and promote international cooperation in energy, green and low-carbon transformation and development. Encourage solar power generation, wind power and other enterprises to “go global” and promote the completion of a number of green energy best practice projects. We will deepen cooperation in the field of energy technology and equipment, focusing on joint research and exchange training on high-efficiency and low-cost renewable energy power generation, advanced nuclear power, smart grid, hydrogen energy, energy storage, carbon dioxide capture, utilization and storage.

Strengthen green transportation cooperation. One belt, one road, is to develop green transportation. Promote energy-saving and low-carbon means of transportation such as new energy and clean energy vehicles and ships, and promote intelligent transportation China scheme.

Strengthen green industry cooperation. Encourage enterprises to carry out investment cooperation in new energy industry, new energy vehicle manufacturing and other fields, and promote the green and low-carbon development of “going global” enterprises. Encourage enterprises to set up equity investment funds overseas focusing on green and low-carbon fields, and flexibly carry out green industry investment cooperation in various ways.
[NRDC, China]

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