EU raids on Chinese green energy company

China slams EU’s ‘shocking’ raids on Chinese green energy company’s offices

The EU cannot hold high the banner of combating climate change with one hand advocating global green cooperation, while wielding the stick of trade protectionism with the other hand against China.

The EU carried out a sudden and unexpected raid on the offices of a Chinese green energy company in Poland and the Netherlands in late April 2024 over the so-called subsidies issue.

The investigation focused on a joint venture comprising ENEVO from Romania and a branch of LONGi from China, as well as subsidiaries of Shanghai Electric Group. The joint venture submitted a bid for a solar energy project tender in Romania.

Chinese authorities and businesses in Europe expressed shock and concerns over the move in what could be an escalation of the EU’s protectionism, leading to rising tensions in bilateral economic relations.

The China Chamber of Commerce to the EU (CCCEU) said any suspicions of subsidies can be followed by reasonable means of investigation; however, the European side manifested its intention to weaponize the the EU’s Foreign Subsidies Regulation (FSR) as a tool to suppress lawfully operating Chinese companies in Europe, the chamber added.

At a press conference held by the Chinese Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) on April 11, spokesperson He Yadong said that the EU cannot hold high the banner of combating climate change with one hand advocating global green cooperation, while wielding the stick of trade protectionism with the other hand, imposing restrictions on normal green technology trade and investment.

China urged the European Union to abide by the commitment to market openness and the principle of fair competition, adhere to WTO rules, and cease unjustified suppression of and restrictions on Chinese enterprises under various pretexts.

SourceGlobal Times, Apr 24, 2024.