Can the US seriously blame China for climate change?

26/01/2022 CEN_net 0

At UN COP26 Climate Conference in Glasgow, the U.S. attempted to displace blame onto China for climate change, which was caused disproportionately by the advanced capitalist powers. While the U.S. media often calls China the biggest carbon emitter, this tends […]

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What is the real story behind US 5G ?

21/01/2022 CEN_net 0

America’s 5G band is part of US the military weapons and communication system. It seems that this will enable the US regime to control the “civilian” 5G system, access non-military communications data, and provide the ability to turn off 5G […]

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China outlines marine-protection tasks for 2021-2025

18/01/2022 CEN_net 0

Shared by on Facebook China has unveiled a plan to specify key tasks for protecting the marine environment in the 14th Five-Year Plan period (2021-2025), according to the Ministry of Ecology and Environment (MEE) on Monday. The plan, jointly […]