US owes world climate reparations

25/07/2023 CEN_net 0

US climate czar John Kerry recently visited a blistering Beijing for talks on climate change with his Chinese counterpart. The Chinese side expressed optimism over the talks. But the US side has been much more heavy handed. At the same […]

‘New American Century’- ecocide and war

24/07/2023 CEN_net 0

Ecocide is the deliberate destruction of an environment so that it can no longer sustain life. The attempt by the United States to maintain its global domination and its fatally outmoded model of modernity for others to emulate could commit this in […]

Ecocide, war and New American Century

24/07/2023 CEN_net 0

Ecocide is the deliberate destruction of an environment so that it can no longer sustain life. The attempt by the United States to maintain its global domination and its fatally outmoded model of modernity for others to emulate could commit this in […]

Small population plant species protected

22/07/2023 CEN_net 0

China’s Yunnan sees progress in protecting plant species with extremely small populations Does a plant still have value for conservation if there are only a few found surviving in the wild? For botanists, the answer is definitely yes. In southwest […]

China Biodiversity success: Milu Deer

21/07/2023 CEN_net 0

China Biodiversity: Over 460 newborn Milu Deer born in Hubei Milu deer (Elaphurus davidianus) is listed as Class I National Key Protected Species of China. The species is Classified as Extinct in the Wild by the IUCN’s Red List. It […]

China-US relations: Climate diplomacy

21/07/2023 CEN_net 0

What’s stalling China-U.S. climate cooperation? Can China and the U.S. set aside rivalry for climate action ahead of COP28? Will China and the U.S. meet halfway through climate diplomacy? China is becoming a leader in global climate governance and is […]

Ocean currents and climate change

19/07/2023 CEN_net 0

Massive ocean currents, such as the gulf stream, move heat from one part of the planet to the other. This process, in part, helps to give Western Europe its mild winter climate.  Cimate change is already having a visible effect […]

Ecosystem Functions and Services

17/07/2023 CEN_net 0

Understanding the difference between the two What is the difference between ecosystem functions and ecosystem services? This brief article describes the difference between these two often confused terms in environmental science and management. It aims to integrate and clarify the many […]

China protects ancient trees

12/07/2023 CEN_net 0

Science-based measures implemented to protect old, valuable trees in China. Cover photo: Tanzhe Temple, located in Mentougou District, Beijing, is the oldest Buddhist temple in Beijing. There is a tall and lush ginkgo tree (银杏树) in the temple yard, which […]

China finds new way to recycle plastic

12/07/2023 CEN_net 0

BEIJING — A Chinese research team has developed a new method of recycling polyethylene plastic waste that could cut costs while producing a range of useful petroleum-based materials, according to a paper published recently in the journal Nature Nanotechnology. Polyethylene […]