BRICS-member Brazil leads G20 with renewable energy surge

In a striking demonstration of renewable energy leadership, Brazil has emerged as the top performer among G20 countries in harnessing green power, reaching 89% renewable electricity generation.

Brazil has emerged as the top performer among G20 countries in harnessing green power. According to the latest findings from the global energy think tank Ember, Brazil generated a remarkable 89% of its electricity from renewable source in 2023, significantly outpacing the global average of 30%.

Renewable hydropower has long been the backbone of Brazil’s energy sector, but recent years have seen a surge in wind and solar contributions. In 2023, these two energy sources alone accounted for 21% of Brazil’s total electricity output, a steep rise from just 6% in 2016. Furthermore, Brazil registered the second-largest annual increase in wind and solar generation globally, trailing only behind China.

This renewable energy expansion has also positioned Brazil as the G20 member with the lowest power sector emissions per capita. Brazil’s strategy presents a viable model for sustainable growth, successfully managing to curb its reliance on fossil fuels, aligning its energy consumption with environmental preservation efforts.

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Source: Energy World, Jul 12, 2024.…/111674018