China approves GM corn and soybean

29/10/2023 CEN_net 0

China’s Food Security: Commercial use of genetically modified corn and soybeans approved. According to a report in the South China Morning Post, China’s Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs has approved genetically modified (GM) varieties of corn and soybean for commercial use after years of trials and public controversy over the technology’s safety. The shift comes as China renews its focus on food security and self-sufficiency, particularly for the mostly […]

China’s development path, 1949-2022

28/10/2023 CEN_net 0

We republish this important and extremely informative article by Professor Michael Dunford, surveying and explaining China’s development path, 1949-2022. We recommend this thoroughly researched and detailed article to readers. Abstract China’s path is conceived as a transition of an economically under-developed and semi-colonised  country of the Global South into a modern socialist country in a multipolar world where successive steps (modes of regulation) were shaped by China’s external environment (uneven […]

BRI: great opportunities for Angola

28/10/2023 CEN_net 0

Angola refutes West’s allegations over so-called ‘debt issue’ as untrue and unfair. The China-proposed Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) has generated numerous opportunities for partner countries, including Angola, as noted by João Baptista Borges, the Angolan Minister of Energy and Water, in an exclusive interview with the Global Times, during which he conveyed appreciation for the positive changes that Chinese companies have contributed to his country’s development, notably in sectors […]

BRI transforms Bulkan railways

27/10/2023 CEN_net 0

A Decade of Transformation: The Belt and Road Initiative’s Impact on Balkan Region Railways and Infrastructure. The Beijing Times looks at the newly revamped Hungary-Serbia Railway and its transformative effects on everyday life in the Balkans. Balkan Railways Reimagined with Chinese High-Speed Technology A century-old railway connecting Budapest, Hungary’s capital, and Belgrade, the capital of Serbia, is undergoing a profound transformation, breathing new life into train travel in the Balkan […]

The East is red and green

21/10/2023 CEN_net 0

In a recent review of Carlos Martinez’s book The East is Still Red – Chinese socialism in the 21st century, Stefania Fusero provides a detailed summary of the chapter on China’s environmental record (China is building an ecological civilisation), including a discussion of China’s trajectory on ecological issues, its commitment in the last two decades to renewable energy development, its record on afforestation, and its leadership in eco-friendly transport. Stefania also […]

Africa adopts Chinese hybrid rice

20/10/2023 CEN_net 0

The water-saving and drought-resistant rice developed by the Shanghai Agrobiological Gene Center has passed various approvals in several African countries, such as Uganda in the second half of last year, according to a researcher at the center. Kenya and other African countries are part of the Convention on Wetlands of International Importance Especially as Waterfowl Habitat for the conservation and sustainable use of waterlands, Liu Zaochang, head of the SAGC’s […]

Chinese diaspora paved way for BRI

20/10/2023 CEN_net 0

The biggest international trading venture in world history is 10 years old. But there’s an extraordinary tale behind the Belt and Road Initiative, or BRI. And that’s the story of the exceptional Chinese Diaspora experience, which laid the foundations for the infrastructure project’s success.  This Chinese macro-migration endeavor, individual by individual, long predates the remarkable BRI, which is, today, measurably retracing the diaspora’s pioneering footsteps. Richard Cullen reports. THIS YEAR, […]

We’re looking for contributors ….

18/10/2023 CEN_net 0

Are you interested in posting to the China Environment Net website ? Posts should deal with any of the following: 1. News about China’s efforts to protect it’s environment or the global environment;2. Aspects of China’s environment policies and programs, including China’s Belt & Road Initiative and the BRICS group;3. The scientific, economic, social, technological or economic context of those programs or actions;4. International environmental, scientific or public health initiatives involving China’s experience in green […]

Russia halts Japan seafood imports

17/10/2023 CEN_net 0

Russia joins China and suspended all seafood imports from Japan. The ban is due to food contamination fears after the release of wastewater from the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant. The Russian government on Monday (16 October 2023) introduced a temporary ban on imports of seafood from Japan, after Tokyo released treated radioactive water from the damaged Fukushima nuclear power plant into the sea. In August, China – Japan’s biggest importer […]

China built Bangladesh wind-farm

16/10/2023 CEN_net 0

China powers up Bangladesh BRI wind power project China Economic Net reports that the first centralized wind power project in Bangladesh, the Cox’s Bazar wind power project, is connected to the grid and started power generation on Thursday, according to its operator China’s State Power Investment Corp. This was the first China-constructed new-energy project in Bangladesh. The project will provide Bangladesh with about 145 million kilowatt hours of clean electricity […]