Shenzhen: A protection hub for mangroves and migratory birds


Amid the rapid urbanisation that defines modern China, Shenzhen stands out not just for its “futuristic” skyline, but also for its efforts to reassert its ecological priorities.

Shenzhen Bay, located in southern China and part of the Pearl River Delta expanding into Hong Kong, is a crucial stop-off point for migratory birds using the East Asian-Australasian flyway.

Its mangroves support over 200 species of birds and host 100,000 migratory birds each winter, drawing enthusiasts and scientists alike to witness these natural spectacles against the backdrop of one of China’s most bustling urban settings.

After significant mangrove losses due to aggressive development, Shenzhen’s mangrove recovery has been “unprecedented”. This resurgence earned one of its wetlands a designation of international importance under the Ramsar Convention in 2022.

The city’s approach to conservation, involving robust policy enforcement and community engagement, illustrates how urban areas can successfully integrate significant ecological habitats, reversing ecological decline in vulnerable delta regions.

Shenzhen Bay, located in southern China and part of the Pearl River Delta expanding into Hong Kong, is a crucial stop-off point for migratory birds using the East Asian-Australasian flyway.

Its mangroves support over 200 species of birds and host 100,000 migratory birds each winter, drawing enthusiasts and scientists alike to witness these natural spectacles against the backdrop of one of China’s most bustling urban settings.

Shenzhen Bay is a crucial stop-off point for migratory birds using the East Asian-Australasian flyway (Graphic: Harry Zhang / Dialogue Earth)


Earth Dialogue, July 11, 2024.…/chinas-futuristic-city…/
China Daily, Sep 8, 2023.…/WS6509402c498ed2…/shenz

Read more…/chinas-futuristic-city…/