Average yield of Chinese hybrid rice in Madagascar trials two to three times more than local rice varieties.
A prolonged period of exceptional droughts in the African island nation of Madagascar since 2019 reduced agriculture production, placing about 1 million people on average in food insecurity, among which 250 000 suffered a famine situation.
Madagascar was also hit by extreme weather events – no less than 5 tropical weather events in 45 days during the 2021/2022 cyclonic season. Meteorologic centers assessed this as exceptional in terms of frequency. Heavy rains, strong wind, floods, and landslides caused extensive damage to the road network, dams, houses, schools and sanitary facilities, rice fields (many flooded twice) and orchards putting pressure on food prices and impacting subsequent harvest seasons.
To help more African countries reduce food shortages, the China National Hybrid Rice Research and Development Center inaugurated its Africa sub-center in Madagascar in May 2019.
However, China and Madagascar have carried out technical cooperation on hybrid rice varieties since 2007. Agricultural experts from Central China’s Hunan Province have worked to help the local people realize their dream of food self-sufficiency with hybrid rice seeds from China.
The cumulative area of Chinese hybrid rice in Madagascar’s trial plots has reached more than 50,000 hectares, with an average yield of about 7.5 tons per hectare with Chinese technologies – two to three times more than the yield of local rice varieties.
Watch the excellent and informative video linked below.
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- Top Wonders, Aug 30, 2024. ‘China Helps 700,000 Poor People in Madagascar Escape Famine Thanks to Super Rice Farming Techniques’. https://youtu.be/wjZxIPUXmZs
- Global Times, Sep 01, 2023. ‘China, Africa deepen agricultural cooperation to boost continent’s food security’. https://www.globaltimes.cn/page/202309/1297423.shtml
- IMF eLibrary, 05 Jun 2023. ‘Food Insecurity and Climate Shocks in Madagascar’. https://www.elibrary.imf.org/…/037/article-A001-en.xml