Cuba and China sign memorandum to boost bilateral tourism development

Shared by William Corona Larquin

Cuba‘s ambassador to China, Carlos Miguel Pereira, and Chen Xiaobing, co-founder and executive director of Caissa Tourism Group (one of the most important companies in the Cuban travel industry), signed a memorandum of understanding on Wednesday where the objective of cooperating in the bilateral development of tourism.

Sierra del Rosario in Pinar del Río, Cuba.  The beauty of the environment and the large number of small, medium and large elevations have established it as the center of practically all climbing activities in Cuba.

Under this Cuba plans to double the number of Chinese visitors in the short term. For this reason it has increased its efforts in promoting its attractions in nature, culture, health and nautical tourism, among others.

Ministerio del Comercio Exterior y la InversiĂłn Extranjera – MincexProCubaEmbajada de Cuba en China Oficina EconĂłmica, Comercial y CientĂ­fico TĂ©cnica Embajada de Cuba en China

With information from Press Latin…/firman-china-y-cuba..