China leads world in nuclear energy innovation

05/09/2024 CEN_net 0

China is 10 to 15 years ahead of the US in ability to deploy fourth-generation nuclear reactors at scale, says major US think-tank. The US Information Technology & Innovation Foundation (ITIF) has published a report entitled “How Innovative Is China […]

China publishes white paper on conservation of marine ecosystems

02/09/2024 CEN_net 0

China has recently unveiled a comprehensive white paper titled “Marine Eco-Environmental Protection in China”, to present China’s ideas, actions and commitments in global governance of the marine eco-environment. The white paper elaborates on the practices of China’s eco-environment protection. First, […]

Leading US scientist to move to China?

27/08/2024 CEN_net 0

One of the world’s greatest living research scientists, retired Harvard University chemist and nanoscientist Professor Charles Lieber, is considering a move to China, according to the Hong Kong based South China Morning Post. In 2011, Professor Lieber was named the […]