China’s massive leap forward

17/11/2023 CEN_net 0

China’s emissions could peak this year! The following article is from the US. The first paragraph would be at home in any US anti-China rant. But read on, the author shows how the “China bad guy” theme is wearing thin […]

Plastic pollution under spotlight

15/11/2023 CEN_net 0

About 2,000 delegates from around the world are gathering in the Kenyan capital Nairobi for fresh talks on the landmark international treaty to combat plastic pollution. In December 2018, China’s State Council launched a plan to restrict the production, sale, […]

Nature’s soil seedbanks

09/11/2023 CEN_net 0

A research team of Chinese scientists is investigating the potential for natural soil seedbanks to help plant communities to resist the detrimental impact of environmental disturbance, including climate change. Unlike most other biological groups, plant species can possess dormant life-history […]

China bolsters Environment Ministry

03/11/2023 CEN_net 0

Photo: Huang Runqiu, Minister of Ecology and Environment, China. Reforms strengthen role of China’s Environment Ministry. China Dialogue reports that on 12 October, 2023 a notice was issued outlining changes to the responsibilities of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment (MEE). The central role […]

The East is red and green

21/10/2023 CEN_net 0

In a recent review of Carlos Martinez’s book The East is Still Red – Chinese socialism in the 21st century, Stefania Fusero provides a detailed summary of the chapter on China’s environmental record (China is building an ecological civilisation), including a […]

Russia halts Japan seafood imports

17/10/2023 CEN_net 0

Russia joins China and suspended all seafood imports from Japan. The ban is due to food contamination fears after the release of wastewater from the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant. The Russian government on Monday (16 October 2023) introduced a temporary […]

China & Ramsar Wetlands Convention

13/10/2023 CEN_net 0

In November 2022, Chinese President Xi Jinping spoke at the Opening Ceremony of the 14th Meeting of the Conference of the Contracting Parties to the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands. He spoke of the historic achievements made in wetlands conservation in […]

China drought cuts hydro output

12/10/2023 CEN_net 0

In major news for China’s electricity system and emissions – and for the world, on 17 July, China’s National Bureau of Statistics announced that despite overall electricity generation growing 3.8% year-on-year, hydropower output fell by nearly 23% in the first […]

What are biodiversity offsets ?

01/10/2023 CEN_net 0

What are biodiversity offsets? In recent years, biodiversity offsets and credits have been promoted as one of the key ways to finance nature conservation and support global biodiversity goals.Put simply, “biodiversity offsetting” is a system for placing a value on […]

Coconut blankets restore grassland

13/09/2023 CEN_net 0

Blankets made from coconut shells are being used for grassland restoration in South West China’s Sichuan. Grass is successfully sprouting from the ground surface covered by blankets made from coconut shells at the area of the abandoned mines in Ruoergai […]