Chinese scientists detect unreported carcinogenic pollutants

29/05/2024 CEN_net 0

Chinese scientists use AI to detect unreported carcinogenic chemical pollution. Potentially carcinogenic chemicals are prevalent worldwide and going unreported, according to Chinese scientists who identified unknown “forever chemicals” in the environment with the help of machine learning. The non-biodegradable “forever chemicals” – named for their persistence in the environment – became widely used around the world in all kinds of products – including non-stick pans, food packaging, and waterproof and […]

CEN Library Archive on Facebook closed

17/04/2024 CEN_net 0

The China Environment News Facebook group “CEN Library Archive” has been closed and the articles moved to our main website (i.e. this one). To view those articles go to this web link: https://china-environment-news.net/category/facebook-cen-library/ This does NOT have any affect on our main China Environment Net on Facebook group which can be found at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/china.environment.net Thanks, Admin.

We’re looking for people to post ….

02/02/2024 CEN_net 0

Have you thought about posting to the China Environment Net ? Posts should relate to one or more of the following ‘themes’: 1. News about China’s efforts to protect it’s environment or the global environment;2. Aspects of China’s environment policies and programs, including China’s Belt & Road Initiative and the BRICS group;3. The scientific, economic, social, technological or economic context of those programs or actions;4. International environmental, scientific or public health initiatives involving China’s experience […]

We’re looking for contributors ….

18/10/2023 CEN_net 0

Are you interested in posting to the China Environment Net website ? Posts should deal with any of the following: 1. News about China’s efforts to protect it’s environment or the global environment;2. Aspects of China’s environment policies and programs, including China’s Belt & Road Initiative and the BRICS group;3. The scientific, economic, social, technological or economic context of those programs or actions;4. International environmental, scientific or public health initiatives involving China’s experience in green […]

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Be a volunteer researcher for China Environment News

01/11/2021 CEN_net 0

Tasks: On an voluntary basis, identify issues, research and prepare articles on matters about China’s environmental progress at home and abroad [on-line and flexible / occasional to suit you]. Skills: background and qualifications in a relevant area such as environmental science or education, environmental economics, ecology or biological sciences, agricultural science or agricultural economics, science communication or journalism, etc; self motivated, with the ability to write clearly and concisely in […]