China chairs Biodiversity Convention on

26/08/2022 CEN_net 0

China currently holds the rotating Presidency of the Conference of Parties to the UN Convention on Biodiversity (CBD). This is the first time China has overseen a major UN intergovernmental negotiation on the environment. The first meeting in the current […]

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Extreme heat and global climate

24/08/2022 CEN_net 0

China recently braved its strongest heatwave. Europe is also suffering from heatwaves and the worst drought in 500 years. What’s behind the high temperatures? And what does this extreme heat tell us about global climate change? What is going to […]

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Extreme drought tests China’s power

24/08/2022 CEN_net 0

Galvanizing energy tests As the rare triple-dip La Nina treks the globe leaving behind it extreme weather phenomena and disasters, some regions in southern China are experiencing a severe drought that only happens once in decades, which has challenged the […]

Global South not cause of climate change

22/08/2022 CEN_net 0

‘Time to call a spade a spade ….’ In response to our article posted on another Facebook environmental site commenting on how China leads the world in green energy, a US reader from New York in the USA commented: “It […]