Dam shows potential of China-Kenya BRI partnership

25/06/2024 CEN_net 0

The Chinese-built Thwake Multipurpose Dam in Kenya is almost complete, and its commissioning later this year will pave the way for the country’s socio-economic transformation. The dam, located at the intersection of the rivers Thwake and Athi, in the south […]

Restoring China’s vanishing oyster reefs

14/06/2024 CEN_net 0

China has begun protecting and re-establishing its oyster reefs, one of the world’s most endangered marine habitats, but challenges remain. Naturally formed oyster reefs face a precarious existence, with around 85% of them having disappeared globally. China is no exception, […]

What’s behind China’s shift to environmental diplomacy?

13/06/2024 CEN_net 0

CHINA’S infrastructure investments across the Global South are well documented. Less well known, however, is China’s turn to environmental diplomacy. Amid rising geopolitical tensions and hard-power politics, China is also leveraging soft power. This shift is marked by environment- and […]

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Angola’s energy future: China-built hydropower

01/06/2024 CEN_net 0

Cover photo: China is currently building Angola’s largest dam on the Kwanza River. Angola has a huge demand for electricity due to growing urbanization, especially in the capital city of Luanda with approximately five to six million inhabitants. Angola has […]