China takes U.S. clean energy subsidies to WTO

30/07/2024 CEN_net 0

China has challenged the US Inflation Reduction Act’s EV tax subsidies and four tax credits related to renewable energy – it said the law violates World Trade Organization rules as its regional production requirements artificially sets trade barriers which push […]

China’s 3rd Plenum Resolution and Ecological Civilization

30/07/2024 CEN_net 0

What did China’s 3rd Plenum Resolution say about Ecological Civilization? China Ecological Civilization newsletter regularly reports on Chinese government documents with importance to ecological civilization. Its latest report is on the Resolution of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of […]

Wuhan residents pioneer winning formula for rooftop solar

27/07/2024 CEN_net 0

A rooftop solar project in China suggests community emissions-reduction work must benefit everybody to succeed. China’s housing regulations are such that the roof of an apartment block is communally owned by all residents. That means there must be unanimous agreement to install […]

China: a key force in climate diplomacy

27/07/2024 CEN_net 0

Seven years seems a lifetime in politics. In 2017, President Donald Trump announced the United States would withdraw from the Paris Agreement. It prompted Canada, China and the European Union to convene an urgent meeting to reaffirm political commitment to global climate action. The successful […]

China to build thorium-based nuclear power plant

27/07/2024 CEN_net 0

China plans to start building the world’s first molten salt reactor power station next year in the Gobi Desert. Currently, China operates the only  thorium reactor on Earth, located in the Gobi Desert around 120km northwest of the city of Wuwei, Gansu […]

Joint Kazakhstan-China Aral Sea forestation project

26/07/2024 CEN_net 0

Kazakhstan’s Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources, Yerlan Nyssanbayev, met with scientists from the Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography to discuss an environmental project focused on establishing artificial forest plantations on the dried base of the Aral Sea. The proposal includes […]