Climate change & China’s croplands

02/09/2023 CEN_net 0

China experienced both extreme heat and “devastating” floods this summer, which had an impact” on food supplies and rice crops. This Carbon Brief article on how climate change is affecting China’s cropland, looks at arable land policies and potential impacts of climate […]

Fiji says no to Fukushima waste

26/08/2023 CEN_net 0

Fijians say no to dumping Japan’s nuclear wastewater in Pacific. “Keep our Pacific nuclear-free!” Hundreds of Fijian people marched on the streets of Suva, raising their voices strongly against Japan’s dumping of nuclear-contaminated wastewater into the Pacific Ocean 

Beijing region air quality improves

25/08/2023 CEN_net 0

Beijing Daily reports: According to the Ministry of Ecology and Environment of China, the average number of days with good air quality in the #Beijing–#Tianjin–#Hebei region and its surrounding areas in July this year exceeded 50%.

China and Mongolia fight sandstorms

10/08/2023 CEN_net 0

Mining and climate change are damaging the grasslands that prevent sandstorms. Can greater cooperation help? Battsengel, 50, lives in the south of Mongolia, in Khanbogd district, Ömnögovi province, just over the border from China’s Inner Mongolia. He has made a […]

China’s ‘father of glaciers’

07/08/2023 CEN_net 0

Posted in: China Environment Net on Facebook 7/8/23 These are the first of 4 episodes (up to now) ep1. (see below) ep2. ->…/202307/t20230726_333913.shtml ep.3 ->…/202307/t20230731_334159.shtml ep.4 ->…/202308/t20230801_334196.shtml

China’s Village Science program

06/08/2023 CEN_net 0

China’s agricultural scientists protect ecology and improve farmers’ income While Lake Erhai has received much attention for its ecological preservation, the Lake basin has also suffered from high pollution, high deposits of nitrogen and phosphorus in the soil, and low […]

Has ‘eco-collapse’ begun?

04/08/2023 CEN_net 0

Professor José Seoane  from the University of Buenos Aires writes: In 2023, different climatic anomalies have been recorded that set new historical records in the tragic progression of climate change at the global level. Thus, in June, the surface temperature […]

China’s virtual power plants

03/08/2023 CEN_net 0

Virtual Power Plants meet growing demand for clean energy China’s move towards a more sustainable energy mix has seen a rise in the construction of virtual power plants. These plants use advanced technologies and software systems to collect data of […]