Advanced nations must make biggest emission cuts

14/06/2022 CEN_net 0

Why advanced countries must proportionately make the biggest cuts in carbon emissions – a factual briefing Shared from: Learning from China, Published by John Ross, Senior Fellow, Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies, Renmin University of China. The article was written in […]

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LNG plant blast cripples US gas exports

09/06/2022 CEN_net 0

An explosion in the US state of Texas has knocked out 20% of USA’s l;iquified natural gas (LNG) export capacity for weeks. One of the largest US plants producing liquefied natural gas (LNG) for export has been damaged by an explosion […]

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$500 million US state-sponsored anti-China propaganda

27/05/2022 CEN_net 0

The US government constantly publishes disinformation about China and the environment. A simple on line search shows literally thousands of such “reports” from the US State Department and US Embassies around the world. These are then repeated mindlessly by Western […]

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Germany to re-open coal fired power plants

25/05/2022 CEN_net 0

The following post demonstrates in startling relief the ‘moral’ hypocrisy of the West. It is pefectly ‘justifiable’ for Germany to increase coal usage in an energy emergency, but not so for China in similar circumstances? The credibility of the West […]